About company
Nuh PR Company provides a professional Media, Production, expertise and services. We specialized in complete management solution of both technical andon-technical all kinds of advertisement, fashion shows, musical concerts, brand launches, photo shoots, brand shoots, video shoots, workshops, modeling agency, Magazine Shoot, PR with famous Morning shows and direct links with TV channels, Print Media, Radio, famous Fashion Magazines and bloggers coverage. No one can deny the beauty of glamor and fame; it would be a dream of many to get a chance to bask in the lime light. For those who want to attain this allure of fame, a world of fashion, modeling & photography is an obvious choice. Our Vision: NUH builds on a reputation of quality, excellence and innovation. Our Mission: To help bridge the gap between client & talent and the career makers! To provide a safe environment where aspiring youth can meet with industry leaders to make an informed decision about a career in the fashion & media industry. To offer the opportunity to excel and a chance to be discovered by providing aspiring youth with the greatest exposure to the most reputableational & international agents and industry experts. To provide youth with education though seminars and workshops taught by industry experts and the career makers. Our Core Values: We are Committed to: * Promoting integrity and high standards of professionalism in the fashion & talent. * Promoting family involvement encouragement & support which are key in the success of aspiring youth * an environment of honesty, respect & an atmosphere that inspires youth (Models) to archive their full potential.
Less then $5,0000
< $25/hr
1 - 9