About company
Since 1969, Nationwide Credit & Collection, Inc. has been the premier collection agency for many of Chicago’s most notable hospitals and Physicians groups. Our commitment to the success of our clients has been the standard that has catapulted Nationwide to become Chicagoland’s most respected name in Medical Collections.
For over 40 years, Nationwide has developed proficiency and mastery in revenue cycle management. We have demonstrated a track record of success while remaining focused on our objective, to respect your patients’ financial posture, while at the same time, satisfy our clients’ cash flow needs.
We are proud of our longstanding reputation in the field of healthcare and we take pride in the successful relationships that have been forged with hundreds of clients. Such relationships are the bi-product of our overall commitment to Performance, Integrity and Service. Each of these ingredients is firmly inscribed in the mind of each and every Nationwide employee and forms the work ethic that drives us each day.
< $25/hr
50 - 199
United States
United States
Clients and Industries
Business Services (100)%