About company
Green Ginger Digital do digital differently. We specialise in digital marketing and connecting customers to brands online through a data driven, customer-first approach. Our consultancy offering can help you wherever you are on your digital journey. Whether you are looking to create or improve your digital marketing strategy we can anaylse your current activty against industry best-practices and develop a strategy giving you a competitive advantage to maximise performance. Our digital marketing service can manage and grow performance across all digital marketing channels with a market-leading approach driven from over 10 years expertise. We have worked with aumber of global clients including large FMCG clients such as Reckitt Benckiser - we are passionate about bring this value to your brand. If you already have an established proposition online we can help support your internal teams to maximise performance through bespoke training and up-skilling packages. We also have experience of supporting brands who are looking to in-house digital and can ensure this process is as smooth and efficient as possible.
Less then $5,0000
$200 - $300/hr
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Clients and Industries
Other Services (10)%