About company
Why say something in 10 words when five will do? When it comes to B2B PR, the same-old tactics just won’t do anymore. There’so “one-size-fits-all” approach to PR. To cut through theoise of all the complexity that surrounds us, there’s aeed to be different. To be creative. To be simple. And that’s exactly what we do. Taking valuable insights about our clients and distilling them into simple facts, we form our strategies around a simple and effective solution that’ll push your business’ reputation from outlier to influencer. Our approach is decidedly different. Fiveot 10 takes pride in keeping things simple and easy… because simple ideas are the best. They cut to the chase, have a razor-sharp focus and are instantly effective. In a world where we are surrounded by complexity, simple is the ultimate sophistication.
$10,000 to $24,999
$150 - $199/hr
1 - 9
United Kingdom
United Kingdom