About company
Exelia Technologies is a custom software development company whose vertical is technology itself.Our people are a group of professional individuals who are committed to the shared vision of Exelia, which is to promote respect, honesty and trust. This enables us regular people to create exceptional results.Exelia's methodology is a mix and match of the Agile and SDLC methodologies and is adapted to suit the clients’eeds. Whilst the scope definition and progress reporting to the client falls mainly in the SDLC arena, the development environment is dominated by the Agile process, with 2-week sprints and iterative builds of working components, being at the core of our delivery.Exelia’s people are at the core of who the company is. Our culture of collaboration is committed to promoting growth and continual improvement by empowering our people to be the best versions of who they can potentially be.
$5,000 to $9,999
$50 - $99/hr
10 - 49
Other locations
South Africa
Other locations
South Africa