About company
If you want a company who manages your customers in simply a transactional way…stop reading here. We are not that kind of company.
With Direct Answer, you are gaining the benefit of learning everything you can about each customer. We are not task driven, we are goal driven. We do not cut corners on excellent service or value added consultation. When you grow, we grow. It’s a win-win always.
We are transparent, and we only work with clients who are too.
We hire the best talent based on character first, experience second and train them to the Direct Answer way of doing things. We don’t hire from or copy our competition, we don’t like bad habits.
We are Wage Protected® company, meaning we pay our “on the ground” people more than our competition. Do you want unhappy, underpaid people handling your valuable customers? Remember, good work isn’t cheap and cheap work isn’t good.
We invest our capital directly back into the latest and greatest technology. And if it doesn’t exist, we make it ourselves. We don’t wait for others to come around and move at the speed of opportunity.
We constantly think about how we can help our clients grow, improve and maximize efficiencies without sacrificing quality. We often say, “We should do this” when talking to a client vs “You should do this.” It’s not an act, its who we are.
Customer and Client Service isn’t dead, it’s what has separated Direct Answer from everyone else since 1991.
< $25/hr
10 - 49
United States
United States