About company
There are only two ways to getew customers for your shop or dealership: Referral through word-of-mouth Online Marketing to build a brand Most automotive businesses hope for the best. And believe that Online Marketing sucks. Even if you deliver exceptional services, your prospects do NOT TRUST your work & assume you will rip them off. Heck, they don't even know who you are or what you’ve done so far. This is WEAK Brand positioning! As a result, you're wasting thousands of dollars on Google & Facebook Ads, booking an expensive listing in a localewspaper and constantly worry about where theext customer will come from. Then — You get a customer through referrals and hate Online Marketing. On top of that, you're probably struggling to communicate the REAL VALUE of your shop. "What makes me different from the shop across the street? Which platforms do Ieed to focus on? What should I post? Now, imagine you’re seen as the Go-To Business in your Area. Sales happen, WITHOUT giving huge discounts. Customers are reaching out to YOU daily, and your only worry is how to handle ALL THOSE APPOINTMENTS. You're in a position of POWER & COMFORT. I know what you're thinking…." How the heck am I gonna get to that stage?" This is where we jump in. 🟠 V8 CONTENT Management (Creating Fire Content is tough and can be frustrating, we take on the heavy lifting with our 10+ years of automotive experience) 🟠 V8 COMMUNITY & REPUTATION Management ( Clock out when it's time to get to your family while we monitor and respond to messages on all review platforms ) 🟠 V8 ADVERTISING Management ( Access all vital insights that matter. And experience full transparency before, after, and during the campaign ) ...And all of that with a 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you think we'reot good enough, there'soeed to explain. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Now, are you serious about building a money-printing community for your business?
$200 - $300/hr
1 - 9
United States
United States
Clients and Industries
Digital Marketing (100)%