About company
Habib Sarwar Bhuiyan & Co. is a long established Chartered Accountancy firm engaged in rendering various professional services with repute and integrity. The firm was registered with the regulatory body The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) in 1993 to carry out multifarious assignments in connection with the practice and exercise of accountancy profession and allied jobs. We provide various range of professional services tailored to the client’s specificeeds. Our Clientele includes individuals and various small, medium and large organizations in both Public and Private Sectors, Government, Semi-Government, Sector Corporations/Units, Universities, Local and foreign funded NGOs, Banks and Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Multi-National Companies and various other organizations with the objectives of rendering quality services. We also provide a comprehensive range of services in accounting and book keeping, audit and assurance, investigation, company formation, restructuring and liquidation, financial management, Banking, management consultancy, Income Tax and VAT, valuation of assets and liabilities and secretarial services with a view to helping our clients to increase the effective performance of their business. Habib Sarwar Bhuiyan & Co. is a member of AFFILICA International, affiliates worldwide an interactive alliance of independent firms of Accountants, Auditors, Lawyers, Tax Experts and Business Consultants which has the objective of creating a globaletwork of professionals who refer their works to each other. AFFILICA International has members in UK, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Singapore, China, Australia, Spain, USA, Switzerland, South Africa, Brazil, Jamaica and other countries.
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